The sacred art of womb, abdominal & fertility massage

Book your womb, sacral & fertility massage by contacting Kaz on 0408 880 988

This sacred, ancient technique, available to women of all ages, re-integrates the woman’s spiritual potential, activates personal healing, and unites the core wisdom of the Womb-Heart connection enabling us to access the true beauty and deeper sense of the self


Womb, Abdominal and Fertility massage, has a lineage dating back thousands of years.

It has been an ancient practice and part of traditional medicines for many different ancient cultures found in Indian, Tibetan, Christian, Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian, Gnostic, and Mayan to name a few. Within these cultures the uterus is considered to be the woman’s centre and if it is not in correct position, it will have adverse effects on her long term health.

This womb massage is an external non-invasive massage technique that supports female abdominal, reproductive and pelvic health. Known as the ‘Five Flows’ it helps internal organs to retain or regain their correct position in the abdominal cavity, restoring the flow of blood (venous and arteriole), nerve, lymph, and chi/prana, plus also helping to restore fascia. 

Once the uterus is out of alignment, restrictions can occur which block the ‘Five-Flows’ into the area. When there is blockage of these five main flows, the body is out of balance and problems arise. This is when we begin to see signs and symptoms, like painful ovulation, depression, headaches, or any of the symptoms listed below.

This massage technique moves the body towards homeostasis by increasing the ‘Five-Flows’ to the pelvic basin, activating the body’s own innate intelligence to restore balance to this area and the organs surrounding it. Toxins are flushed and nutrients that help tone tissue, restore fascia and balance hormones are encouraged towards normal order. This is essential for healthy functioning of both the digestive and reproductive systems.

The uterus is held in place, lodged tightly and leans slightly over the bladder in the centre of the pelvis, about one and a half inches above the pubic bone. It is held in position by muscles, the vaginal wall and the support of ten ligaments holding her in suspension like a spider in a web. These ligaments attach to the pelvis and sacrum and are designed to stretch and accommodate a growing baby.

When one of these ligaments becomes looser, or tighter through injury, birth, emotional trauma, sport, a fall or lifestyle choices, the uterus is pulled out of her centre and falls to one side, or to the front or back. When this occurs, the womb now sits in a space not designed for her size, and she can block vital communication of the ‘Five-Flows’; blood, lymph, nerve and chi/prana. This massage helps bring the uterus back into alignment through the application of gentle non-invasive external massage applied to the back, sacrum, gluteus and the abdomen. This allows the body to regain homeostasis and the natural balance of the body can be restored to the pelvic and abdominal areas. Through repeated treatments, and your own self-care massage applied at home, your uterus is able to realign herself while you also increase the flow of blood, nerve, lymph and chi/energy to the vital organs of your body. By restoring balance to this area, female reproductive and digestive conditions can be reduced and often eliminated.

This massage technique is also a supportive modality that helps activate a woman’s body wisdom and intelligence to come forth and find balance and healing. It is a technique available to women of all ages.

Sometimes instructions for self-care techniques will be given to take home for clients to use. This is not meant as an entire approach to health care. If you have any serious medical conditions, please consult your health care provider first.

Below are some common symptoms improved and supported by womb abdominal and fertility massage.

·     Painful & late or early irregular periods

·     Dark thick blood, or brown blood at onset and end of menstruation

·     Headache or migraine with period

·     Dizziness with period

·     Failure to ovulate regularly and painful ovulation

·     Varicose veins of the legs/week tired legs

·     Numb legs and feet, especially when standing still for a while

·     Sore heels while walking

·     Low back ache or back ache with menstruation

·     Endometriosis, fibroids, endometrial polyps

·     PMS/Depression

·     Frequent urination, bladder infections, uterine infections

·     Blood clots during menstruation and excessive bleeding

·     Chronic miscarriages

·     Difficulties getting pregnant/ infertility

·     Painful intercourse

·     Constipation

·     Difficult menopause

 What causes displaced uterus?

Typically, a displaced uterus is the result of ligaments being stretched or cut (hysterectomy, abdominal surgery). Things that can cause this include:

·     Repeated pregnancies close together with difficult deliveries

·     Challenges during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum

·     Carrying heavy items just before, during or after menstruation and too soon after childbirth

·     Running on hard surfaces

·     Wearing high heeled shoes

·     Car accidents or hard blows, injuries or falls to the sacrum and tailbone

·     Poor alignment of the pelvic bones with the spinal column

·     Modern life and carrying children on one hip for prolonged periods

·      Straining during bowel movements

·     Ageing and the pull of gravity on the ligaments

·     Emotional tension as a result of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse from any time in your life.


These techniques are safe and effective with few contraindications.

·     Not recommended 5 days prior to menses and during menses

·     Not before 6 weeks following normal vaginal birth or 3 months after a caesarean section

·     Not during the first trimester of pregnancy

·     Not if you have an IUD in place 

·     Not if cancer is suspected

·     Not if you have an infection of the abdomen and pelvis and fever is present

·     Not immediately after abdominal therapy

·     Not if you have a Hiatal Hernia

Being born a woman means, according to the ancient healers we are born with the only spiritual organ in the body – the uterus. The uterus is highly respected as a living spiritual force within the female anatomy and she is therefore looked after, acknowledged and treated when in need of support. She is acknowledged as the gateway to creation…‘Life’… as every being here on earth has had to pass through her tight doors.

This massage treatment is offered at an off-site Embody Health location especially reserved for womb massage only.

A Womb, Abdominal and Fertility massage treatment involves

·     An initial appointment 2 hours in length and includes a comprehensive interview: $220

·     Follow up appointments are 90 minutes: $165

Book your womb, sacral & fertility massage by contacting Kaz on 0408 880 988


no health rebates apply

Open exclusively by appointment.
Gift vouchers available.
call or text Kaz to book womb massage on 0408 880 988